About Me:
My name is Taylor Carr. The purpose of this website is to introduce myself and act as a portal to my blog. I currently live in Chandler, AZ and I can't image living anywhere else. I work in the IT department for a contract manufacturing company that specializes in medical devices.
I really enjoy repairing, maintaining and riding bicycles. I mostly ride my classic 80's mountain bike around town but I also enjoy taking my mountain bike on the local trails when I get a chance.
Click here for a list of music that I like.
About this site:
This is an experimental site that will be updated as I learn more about webpage development. I currently know some HTML but I'd like to understand better what can be done with HTML5. I'm currently learning PHP so I can interface with a database to make this site, particularly the blog page, more interesting. I do know quite a bit about databases, particularly SQL and MySQL, because I use them often at work.
Currently Reading:
The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson
Click here for other books I've read.
Currently Playing:
N/A (on a hiatus)
Leave your email here!
If you'd like, you can leave your email address. I promise I won't sell it or give it away to anyone. The only thing I might do with it is send you a note to say hi one day.